App Name: WhatsApp
Package Name: com.whatsapp
Developer: WhatsApp Inc.
App Version: 2.16.95
APK Size: 23.9 MB (25,066,929 bytes)
Supported OS: Android 2.1 and above
Compatible Devices: Phone and Tablet
MD5: 9A6D3BC7C8082F304CE383122175E5A4
✅ Verified Safe APK
→ WhatsApp Older Versions APK
Important: Note that this WhatsApp version is only compatible with ARMv6 CPUs. For other CPU architectures, please download this version: WhatsApp Messenger
App Icon:
Overview of this version:
– Tapping the quick camera button in a chat lets you pick a photo or video from your camera roll.
– Reply to new messages right from notifications.
– Quickly archive, delete, or mute multiple chats at once. Just tap and hold a chat in the chats tab and tap on other chats to select them.
– Pick from a set of solid colors for your chat wallpaper.
– Format text in your messages by surrounding your text with special characters.
• Compatible with ARMv6 CPU architecture.
• Fully supports Android 2.1 Eclair, Android 2.2 Froyo, Android 2.3 Gingerbread and later OS versions.